Center News – March 2018

February certainly threw us a curve ball with winter rearing its ugly head after weeks of spring-like conditions. But, never fear! March gives birth to spring and ever-improving weather. With the snows receding we soon will be able to see the Center Memorial Gardens waking up with swelling buds and new growth popping from the soil. So, get your tools and gardening gloves out of storage and be prepared to join in with FOTG’s garden cleanup which will be added to the schedule as soon as the date is decided.

However here are some important dates that you should put on your calendar. The first is Tuesday March 6. Chief Steel and the Timberlake Fire Commissioners are holding a special “Strategic Planning Meeting” at the Center and have invited residents of Bayview and surrounding areas to attend. Your input will help steer the District in its plans for the future. So please come and be an active part of this endeavor on Tuesday March 6 at 6pm. Secondly, the Photography workshops will be held on Thursdays the 15th and 29th at 9pm in the lower room. Bunco will be on Saturdays the 10th and 24th at 1pm. This is a fun and easy game for all ages. So join in, bring a snack to share and a friend or two.

The Bayview Chamber Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th at 7pm, BABS and the Council on March 27th at 9:30am and 7pm respectively. LOU continues its lunches each Wednesday at Noon, so be sure to check the flyer in the Bayview Bylines for the menu. And remember, your help is always appreciated either in setting up, food prep, desserts, or cleanup. Finally, the Bible Chapel invites you to attend their special Good Friday service to be held on the 30th at 6pm. They also are sponsoring a game night for Saturday March 31 also at 6pm which is open to everyone. For all other ongoing events, check the Calendar in the Bayview Bylines.

This month I will be sending out the necessary forms for renewal or new subscription to the Life Flight insurance. Our group policy costs $50/household for one year which includes all members that are listed on your tax forms as dependents. This fee is good for one year, there are no multiple year policies available. If you are renewing or joining for the first time, you must have all forms and your payment in to the Bayview Community Center by April 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.