Having seen the devastation on both coasts, I have stopped my complaining about our weather and take solace in the fact that we have so few major weather-related tragedies. I thank my luck for being in the inland northwest. Winter is our slow month, but I hope that folks are finding fun things to do either at home or our surrounding towns.
Events of the week are as follows:
Bible Chapel Services: Â Sunday 9:30am and 10:30am
AA meeting: Â Sunday 7pm, lower room
Martin Luther King Day: Â Monday all day
Walking group: Â Monday, Friday 9am, end of Hudson Bay Rd., weather permitting
Yoga:  Monday 9am, Tuesday 9am lower room, Thursday 9am
Timberlake Fire Commish Meeting: Â Tuesday 6pm, Athol fire station. Please remember Chief Steele would like more community input, so if you can attend, please do so.
Crafts Group: Â Wednesday 8am, Contact Patti Wilke
PiYo: Â Wednesday, Thursday 8am
LOU: Â Wednesday Noon, gourmet chicken and rice, help needed with setup, cleanup, and desserts
Bayview Water and Sewer Board Meeting: Â Wednesday 3pm
Singing Group: Â Wednesday 6:30pm
Bible Chapel Prayer Mtg: Â Wednesday 7pm
Photography Workshop: Â Thursday 9am
Boy Scouts on hold
Tai Chi: Â Friday 9:30am
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dean and Norma Jean Knowles and family. Dean is recovering from open heart surgery which took place on Tuesday. He is doing well so far but has a long road in front of him. So don’t forget to come and help with LOU in his absence, he will be greatly missed.
Remember Bunco today is at 1pm.